Monday, October 20, 2014

Red Flags That You're Dealing With a Narcissist....Girl Run!!!

No, honey, it's not your imagination.
Yes, what you're going through is toxic, unhealthy, and downright abusive.
No, it's not your fault.
No, you're not trippin'.
And no, he cannot be helped.
He can't. I'm sorry.

So save yourself the heartache of researching cures to help him.
Don't waste your time trying to figure out how to heal him...especially if you're an empath.
You can't do it.
The best thing you can do is run away.
Fast. Never look back. Ever.

But, more than likely, you're researching his traits not only because you need confirmation...but somehow in the midst of his sick, twisted way of treating are still holding on to the memory of the 2 times (okay, maybe it was 3 times) that he treated you like a princess, you still feel like you need him, you still love him, you see his potential, he's fun, or're codependent.

But whatever the reason, hopefully, I can give you a little push to show you why you'll only damage your heart even further by trying to save your relationship with him.

Here are some red flags to look out for:

  • You can't put your finger on it but your intuition is telling you that something is wrong--Never question your gut!! God gave it to you to use along with your common sense. So stop questioning what you feel. But I'm pretty sure he has told you that you are just paranoid, you're making him suffer because of what the last man did, or that you're never happy. You feel uneasy because your body is going into flight or fight mode. The bells and alarms are ringing and your intuition just won't shut up. God speaks to you through your intuition. Take heed and listen!
  • You caught him in a lie, had proof of the lie, and not only did he still deny it, but he then made you question yourself, and told you that you imagined it all.----It's called gas-lighting. It's a form of mental abuse and a crazy making tactic.Yes, unfortunately, there's a name for his demonic ways. Gas-lighting and other crazy making tactics will do just that...make you crazy. He's not worth your sanity.
  •  He is in constant need of validation and affirmation from someone. Anyone. This also shows up as an obsessive effort to maintain a certain image. He loves being the go-to person, the savior, the subject matter expert, the adored one. When you put him on a pedestal, you become his narcissistic supply giving him his daily ego-boosting fix. And when you aren't there to give it to him, he turns to his adoring groupies (also known as side-chicks, FB friends, exes, his doting momma or even his boys) to get that ego boost. And if you get in the way of him getting his fix, there will be hell to pay. He will jeopardize everything (your relationship included) to fill himself up and maintain his image.
  • He seems to feel no remorse and have no conscience. Narcissists, or those with narcissistic traits, do not usually feel bad after hurting you. Their apologies are merely a script they've memorized that they recite on cue. But if you really listen, their apologies are always veiled accusations laced with blame-shifting. Nothing is EVER their fault. Healthy relationships are where both partners are introspective and have personal accountability for their actions. And when a transgression is made, there's an effort to deal with the aftermath of the wrongdoing. There are no healthy relationships when a narcissist is involved.
Dealing with a narcissist can be a detrimental experience. 
Take the time to learn to love yourself. Gain the courage to leave. 
If you need help leaving, reach out to someone you trust who will hold you accountable. 
You deserve happiness and love. Love yourself first.


Feel free to ask questions about the other traits of a narcissist, ideas on how to leave, and how to rebuild.

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