Monday, April 20, 2015

Love ain't......

Love aint.......

text messages unanswered for hours that leave lingering thoughts of doubt
sending calls to voice mail whenever you're hanging out

conversations about your day with no inclination to ask about mine
lackluster interactions because you never have enough time

never making time for us because yet again, your business calls
but expecting me to be here even though you don't reciprocate at all

unsolved problems that I should let go because the years have passed
without remorse or any changed actions from your sociopathic ass

last minute dates, unopened doors, and not even a cot damn pulled out chair
just unwarranted criticism or indifference toward the way I did my hair

faulty penis, uninspired sex, unemotional I love you's are what you give
ego got you thinking you're the chosen one, the messiah, the reason why we live

indifference to the beauty of black women when your daughter's black and I am too
self-hate disguised as a love of diversity, a supposed open mind with a preference for one hue

listening to you be a shoulder for your harem when they call
wipe their tears, kiss their bruises, but laugh at me when I fall

I'm the overzealous cheerleader while you're the aspiring, super star.
now I'm growing, but not too fear I'll overshadow who you are

Let me be petty...

empty cartons of milk in the fridge
only cereal crumbs left of my favorite kind
getting in my bed with funky feet
I won't tell you again, this is the last time
put the cot damn toilet seat down
why is the toothpaste without it's cap?
stop sneaking to eat my leftovers just because I'm taking a nap

Love ain't....

 showing you more love than I've ever shown myself
giving you my all and taking the scraps of whatever is left
Believing your many lies and superficial promises
settling for emotions with no integrity and no depth

ain't none of this shit really love

Written by
Amina Leila

Be Empowered

"Love is...." coming soon......